Next Generation
Performance Management
The Credible Way to Manage Performance
Empower your Teams - Drive Performance
Is your performance management process credible and effective?
Avoid the Pitfalls of Outdated Performance Systems
Disillusioned employees and missed goals
- Existing systems feel like an administrative formality.
- Perceived as lacking in transparency and fairness
- Unclear performance objectives cause confusion and lack of motivation
- Staff effort is poorly aligned to organizational goals
- Managers struggle to track staff performance
- Feedback is infrequent and poor quality

- Ineffective performance management systems waste time and resources
- Provide limited insights for strategic decision making
- Result in missed opportunities for talent development
- Lead to high employee turnover rates
Transform Performance Management into a Strategic Advantage
Drive employee engagement and accountability with a system designed for continuous improvement, not just annual reviews.

- Embed best performance management practice into day to day operations
- Ensure staff know clearly what is expected and how it supports organizational objectives
- Implement a real-time management process that fosters ongoing feedback and development.
- Ensure consistency and fairness with built-in calibration for performance appraisals.
- Trust a solution backed by two decades of experience from organizational psychologists.
We understand your performance management challenges
With our expertise and a highly flexible platform we help you build a credible system that empowers your employees and drives organizational growth.
20 years experience
Our team of software developers and organizational psychologists work together, informed by client feedback, to provide a platform that supports best practices, is flexible to meet your unique needs and minimises administration.
Proven success across industries
With an international client base spanning 20 years, our approach has demonstrated consistent improvements in performance management processes across knowledge-based industries.
Transform Performance Management in Three Simple Steps
A proven methodology for effective performance management.
Schedule a call
Start by scheduling a call with our expert team to discuss your unique performance management challenges

Try a small pilot project
Experience first hand the impact of effective performance management by implementing a pilot project fully tailored to your organization’s needs.
Roll out fully
Once you see the benefits, easily roll out our comprehensive performance management solution across your entire organization.
Transform Your Performance Management Process
Say goodbye to ineffective systems and hello to credibility and results
Whilst most acknowledge Performance Management Systems are broken, still in most organizations traditional performance management systems are still just digital forms, withn the feel of an annual tick the box exercise.
Staff are left disengaged and skeptical.
Centranum changes this narrative by offering a solution that not only clarifies expectations aligned with your organization’s objectives but also fosters a continuous management process that transcends annual appraisals.
With 20 years of expertise from organizational psychologists and a proven international client base, our approach brings relevance, accountability and transparency back into performance management.
Start by scheduling a call, then test a pilot project to see results firsthand before rolling out across your organization. With Centranum, performance management becomes a meaningful dialogue, unlocking your team’s full potential.
What is Next Generation Performance Management?
Sometimes known as Continuous Performance Management. It means providing day to day performance support for staff
There is near universal agreement that most performance management systems are broken. The consensus is that performance management needs to be an ongoing activity not an annual event. The difficult question is how to achieve this Next Generation Performance Management without creating an administrative nightmare.
Centranum Performance Management Software was designed more than 20 years ago to embed performance management as a core leadership skill for staff and managers.
Instead of digitizing existing appraisal forms we designed a system that supports the basic elements of performance management in the operational environment. Centranum Performance Management Software helps managers on a day to day basis to:
- communicate clear expectations
- track actual performance
- provide and document guidance and feedback
- identify and remove barriers to performance
- deal with poor performance
At the end of the period managers have all they need to make formal assessments that are fair and transparent
How to implement effective Performance Management ?
Centranum Performance Management Software
Select just the modules you need
Job Role Management
So the Performance Management process is relevant day to day

Clarity and consistency
Maintain all your job descriptions, using your own templates, as living documents, always updated. Staff have on demand access to their individual job description so that job role expectations are always clear.
Managers are able to define and update quality job descriptions by using and adapting library items.
Apply a single update across all job descriptions for standard expectations such as health and safety practices.
Using job role expectations in the performance management process adds value and credibility. Performance management becomes fully relevant to your day to day operations instead of a separate annual “check the box” exercise.
Values and Competency Management
Shape the culture by defining organizational values and core competencies
Use the Centranum Competency Management functionality to define Values and Core Competencies and their associated behaviours.
Values and Core Competency behavioural expectations are included in the tracking and feedback module and any competency gaps are displayed when creating new development objectives in the individual’s Development Plan.
Values and Core Competency expectations may be included in the formal Performance Review with an assigned weighting. 360 feedback on these competencies can be obtained via our 360 feedback platform and as an option results can be displayed on the Performance Review screen for reference.

Goal Management
For expectations that have specific time periods and targets
Flexible intelligent stand-alone module
Centranum Performance Management software provides a stand-alone goal management module. All goals that are active within a review period are automatically displayed on Performance Tracking and Review pages.
The module provides client configurable libraries for organizational objectives or balanced scorecards. A standard objectives library is available for frequently used individual objectives. Configurable weighting and rating schemes provide maximum flexibility.
Staff and managers are able to draft, agree and update goals interactively at any time, not just once a year.

Supports SMART goals
A frequently reported problem with many performance management systems is that goals are often vague and success is not readily measurable.
Centranum Goal Management input screens and controls ensure that staff and managers create SMART goals.
Performance Tracking, Feedback & Support
So people know how they are doing

Performance conversations
The Journal module prompts, with automated reminders, regular performance conversations between staff and manager. These are logged by date.
Context and Confidentiality
Key achievements, including progress against targets, performance issues and guidelines can be noted against each particular expectation – accountability, task, goal or competency, with date. Entries can be kept confidential by their authors.
Performance Diagnostics
The Journal includes a diagnostic trouble-shooting tool for managers that enables them to identify and address the causes of poor performance.

Process monitoring
Management reports enable HR and senior managers to track the frequency and quality of performance conversations, ensuring that good leadership skills are embedded throughout the organization.
Real-time Evidence base
Journal entries captured throughout the year are displayed in the Performance Review, next to the relevant expectation, so that formal evaluations are evidence based, and sources of bias are reduced.
Individual Development Plan
Address capability gaps and development opportunities at any time

Real time need registration
Staff and managers use the Individual Development Plan to register development needs as they arise, usually as an outcome of performance conversations during the year.
Targeted learning
The Development Plan highlights capability gaps. It enables selection of appropriate learning strategies and competency linked resources to close gaps, subject to configurable approval processes.
Training Approval Management
Approval and Progress on the learning objective is tracked. Completed learning initiatives can be automatically updated as individual training records.
Effectiveness tracking
Course evaluations requested automatically after course completion. Management reports provide details of all individual learning initiatives, with costs, approvals, progress status and manager assessment of effectiveness.

Performance Review
Consistent, accurate, evidence based, no surprises
Flexible platform
Multiple types of Performance Review are supported and can be configured to suit – for example probationary reviews, coaching reviews and annual reviews.
The Review process is configurable with options for initial self and or manager assessment, and formal or informal moderation. A face to face meeting for staff and manager to discuss and finalize the review is prompted. After the meeting both the staff member and the senior manager sign off.

Review components can be set as required, either globally or to allow variation at the individual level. Components can include Job Role expectations, Values, Core Competencies, and Goals. Weightings for the various components can also be set globally with an option for individual variation.
Review frequency is configurable as is the use and configuration of scoring scheme and rating distribution expectations
An optional section for career development and promotions is available. A fully configurable section can be used as required.

Embedded Rating Calibration
Display of achievement contributions can be used to guide consistency in rating, and flag those outside the guidelines.
In addition to the overall rating a performance index is calculated from the achievement contribution. This enables review of performance, including top and bottom performers, within each rating point.
# Performance Intelligence
Real time reporting

Intelligent Automated alerting
Automated reminders and alerts may be configured to notify staff and managers of required actions at the appropriate times. The alerting module checks review status so that only those with outstanding actions receive alerts.
Performance Analytics
Real time reporting on performance issues, individual and team achievement, and the performance management process itself.

Continuous Performance Support – the proven way to improve performance.
Performance Management software that tracks performance conversations
provides real operational support
wins credibility with staff & managers