Core Competency Examples

Research has provided insight into the ‘citizenship’ competencies that are associated with improved performance at the work group and organizational level. We review the four main competencies and example behaviours.

AI in Talent Management – Perils and Positives

AI in Talent Management

AI is the next thing in Talent Management. Many claims are made but can AI based software really deliver? Some experts claim it’s just another Snake Oil.
We answer the questions
– What is AI?
-What is meant by an algorithm?
– How AI is being used in Talent decisions and what research supports this use.
– What are the risks?
– What are the positives?
– Is AI better than traditional analytical methods?

Workforce Capability Challenges Update 2021

Workforce Capability Challenges update

A continuing increase in those reporting challenges with aspects of capability and competency, with the exception of core competencies. A continuing reduction in the number of challenges related to performance management. Slightly fewer challenges related to culture and strategic HR.

A marked increase in those facing challenges of staff retention and engagement. More of a focus on the challenges of career development and succession.

Workforce Capability Challenge Research 2020

workforce capability the research 2020

Part 2 of our 2020 research into Workforce Capability Challenges covers the second part of the year. Visitors to our web site reported their one key challenge. Since visitors were browsing our information resources most challenges are reported in the context of Capability/Competency Management.

We look at the impact of the Covid pandemic. Overall, reported challenges have become more practical and less aspirational. There is a noticeable trend for more interest in competency as a means to performance improvement.

Remote Working Latest Research

Remote Working 2020

People have been working remotely for decades. Suddenly there is huge interest in remote working as a result of the pandemic.

In this article we take a deep dive into the historical data to see how prevalent remote working has been. We look at the kind of roles that most frequently work remotely, and how much time they spend doing that.

We look at survey data of the benefits and the challenges experienced by remote workers and their employers.

In particular we look at whether working remotely affects productivity, including the impact of the work environment, tools and resources.

For all these factors we look at the impact of the pandemic and the likely effect on the future of remote work

HR Analytics – Big Data

Big Data - HR Data Analytics

HR Analytics is being promoted as a MUST HAVE by software suppliers and consultants alike. We examine the scope, what is required for effective analysis, the current state of play in many organizations, the potential benefits, the effort required and last but not least what is the return on investment?

Healthcare Teams – latest research

healthcare team competencies

A look at the latest research on healthcare teams. The nature of healthcare teams, their impact on patient outcomes and safety. We look at the major challenges and the lessons learned from other teams in other industries that operate in high stakes situations. We review the competencies recommended for healthcare teams, and also some of the structured communication tools that can help team operation.

Leadership Competency Development – what works – what doesn’t

leadership competency development

Research update. A 2017 meta-analysis of over 300 studies on leadership competency development shows there is little evidence of positive impact of on organizational effectiveness. It highlights those approaches that work better, those that don’t work, and those that are still uncertain. A complementary study highlights the problems many organizations have in supporting learning transfer on the job.

Who is the Talent – what is “potential”?

who is the talent?

Organizations need to ensure the sustainability of their workforce. So identifying “hi potentials” – those with the opportunity to advance – is an important HR practice. However there is no common understanding of what it means to be “hi-po”. The common approach has tended to be the simplistic use of a “9 box grid” . This article outlines the research on the concept of “potential” and sets out an evidence based model of selection criteria for “hi-potentials”

Why Talent Management Systems Fail – 5 years On

Why Talent Management Systems Fail - fast forward

This is a review of the trends in Talent Management Systems since 2010. We review the complaints, the wish lists of those looking for systems, and the reasons why, 5 years later, today’s systems still do not live up to their promise. We outline the DNA for a Talent Management system that does deliver on the needs of organizations in a competitive and rapidly changing business environment.